摘 要: 文章論述鋼結構住宅與傳統結構相比所具有的獨特優勢, 同時簡單介紹了我國鋼結構的發展趨勢, 從而推動我國的住宅產業化。
關鍵詞: 鋼結構住宅; 優勢; 發展趨勢
中圖分類號: TU391 文獻標識碼: A
文章編號: 1672 - 4011 (2009) 06 - 0001 - 03
The super ior ity of steel structure residentia l buiding and develop ing trends in china
L I Shuangy ing, YU J iang
(A rchitecture andCivil Engineering Institute, X injiangUnivercity U rum qi 830008, China)
Abstract: The superiority of steel structure residentialbuiding to traditional structure is expounded , and the The paperdiscusses develop ing trends of steel structure in china which ben2efits to the residntial industrialization in our country.
Key words: steel structure residential; superiority; de2elop ing trends
鋼結構住宅是指以鋼鐵結構構件為承重骨架, 以輕體材料為圍護結構與功能配套的水暖電衛設備和產品優化集成的節能, 環保型居住類建筑。